Tiny Terrorists and Heroic Moms

Tiny Terrorists and Heroic Moms

by a grandma who wants to remain anonymous!

Grandmothers always remember their own parenting skills with pride. We never remember the failures we had or the times our children did the most embarrassing things. We think we were the perfect parents. I used to boast that I could make any child into an obedient little boy or girl. How wrong I was!

I am the proud lola of 5 apo; 4 boys and one girl. My boys are normal, active, naughty little guys. But, my granddaughter is normal, active, and NAUGHTY!

My heroic daughter-in-law has read all the books, tried all the ideas, prayed all the prayers, and still our little girl can throw the worst tantrum in the neighborhood. I realize what a great mom my son’s wife is every time I visit and she constantly manages to hug, love, and forgive our terrorizing little princess.

One night stands out in my memory. I had observed our little girl exhaust her momma by throwing one tantrum after another all day. I had tried to help to absolutely NO avail. Finally, it was bedtime. Her momma prayed with our granddaughter and then held her quietly and asked, “ How was your day, darling? Did you have any highs or lows today?” My granddaughter answered quickly, “It was a great day, Momma! I didn’t have any lows at all!” My sainted daughter-in-law sighed with exhaustion. Neither of us knew whether to laugh or cry!

Here is what we should remember:

  • Most tantrums don’t last too long–a few minutes and they are over.
  • Most children easily move past their anger to a better emotional state very quickly. Tantrums are exhausting for parents but don’t really hurt the child.
  • And…if we can just control our response, our calmness will finally pay off and the child will calm down, too.

Finally, let’s remember. TIME IS ON OUR SIDE. Children grow up. The time will come when these little tantrum terrorists will have babies of their own. And we can stand on the sidelines and smile!

