
I easily get offended by what my friends say

I easily get offended by what my friends say

with Peter Banzon Q:   My friends think I’m cool, but the truth is I easily get offended by what they might do or say. How do I deal with this feeling? A:  Being easily offended is a difficult problem. You may be overly sensitive and regard many things as offensive. When people offend you and it remains unresolved, each new offense digs deeper into your soul and may make you bitter. Bitterness is ...[Read More]

Our Relationships Can Affect Our Health

Our Relationships Can Affect Our Health

by Lorna Carmela A. Protasio, M.D The quality of our relationships can determine our physical health. It can influence the development and management of chronic diseases, determine whether or not we are depressed, and influence our overall well being. Good relationships promote a person’s happiness so that it spills over to others. Good relationships give us more satisfaction in life and a desire ...[Read More]

When Friends Are Not Forever: Quitting a Toxic Friendship

When Friends Are Not Forever: Quitting a Toxic Friendship

People form relationships in the hopes that they will be mutually beneficial to both parties, each side giving and receiving in turn. However, some friends turn out to be emotional vampires, ever receiving, but never giving. You end up feeling drained and empty. Even worse, your self-esteem can take a serious hit, making you wonder whether you deserve the same love and treatment that you give thes ...[Read More]