
Mother’s Time with the Heavenly Father

Mother’s Time with the Heavenly Father

by Maria Lucia G. Jimenez The demands of life being a wife and mother of 4 sometimes gets most of my time. The Lord always reminds me to put first things, first, which is to make Him life’s top priority. I remember years ago, we attended a conference, and the minister shared ranks of priorities and challenged us to write down the ranking of each (God, Wife/Husband, Children, Work/ministry). I alwa ...[Read More]

What Do You Need For Christmas?

What Do You Need For Christmas?

I will never forget it: my son screaming as doctors cut his feet open to see how far the cancer had progressed into his body. For me, those minutes were gut-wrenching. Today, the echo of my son’s screams are never far from my mind, even though this event took place two decades ago. A child’s pain hurts their parents beyond belief. Why am I writing about suffering at Christmas time? Isn’t this a se ...[Read More]