I lost my husband in an accident …

I lost my husband in an accident …

My husband died suddenly in a car accident. We thought we would grow old together. Now all that remains are shattered dreams. I am angry at God for allowing this to happen. I feel He is so unfair.  Please help me.

First of all let me express my deepest condolences to you and your family. There are no simple answers to your situation. As you grieve and try to move on, the worse thing you can do is to push God out of your life.

You were not meant to make it on your own, but to live and overcome with God at the center of your life. God is no stranger to pain, He suffered as His Son died a horrible death on the cross. Look at how the Bible describes Jesus in Isaiah 53: 3a, 4a, “He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain…Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering…”

That is why all of our questions, our hurts and pains find their answer in Jesus Christ. Please consider the following suggestions.

Express your hurt to God.

Go ahead, let Him know how angry you are and how much you hurt, He can take it. God is much bigger than all of our hurt in life. If you read the Bible, there were many times that God’s people told Him how they were disappointed with Him.

Allow Him to heal you.

God, not time, heals. He is on your side. You must allow Him to do his healing work in your life. This can happen if you continue to trust Him. Trust is built when you have a growing relationship with God. The Bible says, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Ps 147:3 and, “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” Ps 68:5

Belong to a cell group or Bible study.

Being part of a community can help you get through this very difficult time in your life. Other believers can encourage you, listen to you and most importantly, pray for you.

