We can’t give new things to my kids this Christmas.

We can’t give new things to my kids this Christmas.

Just Asking with Peter Banzon

Q:  Every Christmas, I buy my children new clothes and toys.  This year, our Christmas will be difficult because my husband was laid off, and has just taken a new job.  How can I lift my kids’ spirits and help them not to be ashamed of not having new things this Christmas?

A:  Since your children are used to having new things during Christmas, they will be disappointed because this year will be different.  However, you can use these circumstances to teach your kids valuable life lessons that will help them grow to be strong and mature.  Here are three things you can teach them:

  • Focus on what they have, not on what they do not have.  Help them develop an attitude of gratitude.  Help them make a simple inventory of their clothes, shoes and toys.  Encourage them to be thankful for all the blessings they have received so far.  God is pleased with those who thank Him even when times are hard.
  • Learn the power of contentment.  When your children realize they can’t have what they want right away and learn to wait patiently for it, they will develop contentment.  Delayed gratification helps develop strength of character.  The Bible says, “Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.”  (1 Timothy 6:6) NLT
  • Understand the real meaning of Christmas.  Christmas is about receiving God’s greatest gift – Jesus Christ.  Read with them about the birth of Christ from the gospel of Luke chapter 2:1-20 and allow them to share their insights about the reason for the season – Jesus Christ.

