My kids are growing up. How can I build a transparent relationship with them?

My kids are growing up. How can I build a transparent relationship with them?

Just Asking with Peter Banzon

Q: My kids are growing up. How can I build a transparent relationship with them? What practical things can I do?

A: There is a saying “we must become evidence of what we want practiced.” You must model what you want your children to do. The Bible says in Luke 6:31, “Do to others as you would like them to do to you.” So, in order for transparency to develop in your children, here are some helpful suggestions.

  • Share your hopes and dreams. Expressing your hopes and dreams with your children will encourage them to share theirs with you as well. Doing this can create a positive culture of transparency in your family.
  • Confess your failures. There is nothing as powerful as a parent admitting their failures to their children. Studies reveal that kids are frustrated when their parents put up a mask of perfection and never admit when they are wrong. When you model openness in admitting failure, they can admit theirs without fear or hesitation.
  • Celebrate their successes and support them when they fail. Be expressive about your joy when they succeed and achieve. They value your approval. Be there for them when they fail. Encourage with your words and other non-verbal actions.

