How can I restore my relationship with my children?

How can I restore my relationship with my children?

I had a bad relationship with my children. I always compared them to others and never appreciated their good deeds. So, our relationship has grown cold. This new year, I want to start restoring our relationship but I don’t know how and I feel it’s humiliating. What should I do?

Having bad relationships with your children did not happen overnight. Restoring relationships with your childdoes not prosper. Whoever confesses and abandons them receives compassion” %2r shortcomings is the first step in this process. Your children, no matter how offended they are, will appreciate it. The Bible says, “Whoever covers over his sins does not prosper. Whoever confesses and abandons them receives compassion” (Proverbs 28:13).

Set aside your pride and do the right thing. Tell them you are sorry for hurting them the way you did.

Next, stop comparing them to other people and appreciate them for who they are. When you compare them to other people, you are telling them that they are not good enough, that someone else is better, and you would rather have another person as your child.

God created them to be them, to be who they are. He also placed potential in them so they can be the kind of people He wants them to be. The Bible says in Psalm 139:15-16, “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.”

So, celebrate their achievements, recognize their efforts, be there when they fail without condemning them. Be persistent. Be consistent. God helping you, good relationships will be restored.

